Alt - Introducing our new Sales & Customer Service representative, Sophie Bates.

Introducing our new Sales & Customer Service representative, Sophie Bates.

We are delighted to introduce a new face to the Redhill team. Sophie Bates joins us as Sales & Customer Services Representative, taking on a key customer-facing role. Here, we catch up with Sophie and find out more about her.

Q. What are the responsibilities of your new role?
Very varied: I’m answering the phone, looking into customer queries, processing orders, preparing quotations for new and existing customers, sending confirmation emails and providing cake on Fridays – to boost morale, of course!

Q. What do you bring to the job?
A. I’m energetic and outgoing, and I enjoy speaking with customers, hopefully making their day a little brighter. I’m detail-focused, very caring and honest. I genuinely care about our customers and strive to improve the customer experience every day.

Q. What was your experience prior to this job?
A. I have just completed a 3-year degree in Business & Management at the University of Salford and loved every second of it. In terms of work experience, I’ve worked in customer-facing roles since the age of 16, throughout school and college. That was mainly in the hospitality sector, so moving to the manufacturing industry was a big change, but I’ve really enjoyed the step-up and opportunity to learn about new terminology, processes and market relationships.

Q. Are you a local girl?
A. Yes, I’m from Bromsgrove.

Q. Why did you want to work for Redhill?
A. I am passionate about providing great quality service, so where better to apply my skills than with a successful local business like Redhill? All our products are ‘Made in Britain’ and I’m proud to be working for a firm that is contributing to the local and national economy. I am hopeful that, with the current Brexit complications and trade difficulties, more British businesses will stay local and buy British or commit to producing in Britain.

Q. What have you learned so far?
A. Understanding the running of an SME is something I’ve been looking forward to since starting my degree in 2017 and I have gained a wealth of information and new skills during my first few weeks. As well as learning the necessary systems and processes for my day-to-day work, I am also learning about colleagues’ roles in the firm and have been very impressed with how flexible, responsive and forward-thinking Redhill is on a daily basis.

Q. How are you settling in?
A. Very well, thank you. I am working with a small team and everybody has been very welcoming. I feel as though I’ve been here for years, although not as long as some of the production team, who have worked for Redhill for more than 30 years. That really is testament to what a great company Redhill is!

Q. As you have a customer-facing role, what is your message to Redhill customers & distributors?
A. Buy British! You’ll benefit from superior quality, and support the local and national economy. Redhill works with honesty and integrity and is one of the few manufacturers to produce a BSI Kitemark-approved Mobile Step, establishing a benchmark for safety you can count on. Plus, if we don’t have it, ask what we can do! I’ve been blown away by Redhill’s ability to create and manufacture entirely bespoke products for customers.

Q. What would you say to new customers?
A. As an SME, Redhill is able to have an intimate relationship with customers, and is there for our distributors every step of the way. It can be daunting to change the status quo and move to a new supplier, but Redhill is a truly stable, reliable and innovative firm you can rely on to take your business to the next level.

Q. And finally, what do you like to do in your spare time?
A. I have a Cocker and Springer Spaniel, so my spare time is mainly taken up with helping them to burn off their notorious spaniel energy! If I’m not out in the countryside dog-walking, I really enjoy gardening, reading and spending time with family & friends.

Thank you, Sophie, for providing such interesting and thoughtful answers. We love your enthusiasm and wish you all the best. We look forward to working with you and can assure all our customers they are in the best possible hands! You’ve certainly brought a breath of fresh air to Redhill!