Alt - Sales Director Ross is Running for Birmingham Children’s Hospital

Sales Director Ross is Running for Birmingham Children’s Hospital

Those of you that know me will know that I’m very happy hitting a ball, but pounding the pavement has never been my thing. All that changed last year when, on a crazy whim, I applied for a place in the London Marathon, and to my surprise/horror, secured a ballot place.

Training started on Boxing Day (2023) and although the times and distances are getting longer, I’m absolutely determined to keep going and complete the 26.2 miles on the 21st April. Getting a place in the London Marathon means that I not only have the chance to step out of my comfort zone and challenge myself, but it also means I can use this amazing opportunity to raise funds for a very worthy cause…Birmingham Children’s Hospital.

Birmingham Children’s Hospital treats 100,000 sick children every year from across the UK and beyond. It is a leading, specialist paediatric centre and any money raised will make a real difference to the space, treatment and equipment the hospital provides to its patients and their families.

I’ll be running 26.2 miles, so I’ve set myself a target to raise £2620. It would mean a lot to have your support, so please follow my journey and donate as little or as much as you can

Please click here to view my Just Giving page.