Alt - Sales Director Ross Finishes London Marathon

Sales Director Ross Finishes London Marathon

Congratulations to Ross Anderson upon finishing the London Marathon 2024!

Ross has raised a whopping £2,278 so far and is at 86% of his target, you can still donate by clicking here.

He even made it on the TV coverage!

Ross states: The Marathon was a great experience with a great sense of achievement crossing the finish line. For a non-runner it went pretty well and was all over in 5hrs 15mins.

The London Marathon is very flat, so I felt good all the way up to about 19 miles and then things started to hurt. Running past some of the most iconic landmarks in the world at the 25 mile mark, gave me a very proud feeling and pushed me on to the finish.

Lots of amazing people running for their charities, with many more turning out to support and cheer everybody on. A fabulous experience but not one that I wish to experience again.

A huge well done on behalf of everyone at Redhill, a truly monumental effort Ross!