Alt - Redhill looks forward to Raja’s annual supplier day and award ceremony

Redhill looks forward to Raja’s annual supplier day and award ceremony

It’s been two years since Raja UK was last able to host its annual supplier day and award ceremony, an event that has always been hugely popular but was sadly cancelled due to the pandemic.

This year, Redhill is very excited to be attending the Raja supplier day and awards evening, which will take place on 28th April and will be held at The Marriot Hotel, Milton Keynes.

The event provides a brilliant opportunity for Raja teams to get to know their suppliers and strengthen the long term relationships that have been built up over the years. It’s always a lot of fun and this year will be especially important, as we’ll be able to enjoy an actual rather than a virtual event, with real life face-to-face contact.

During the day, Raja’s employees will be able to explore suppliers’ products and ask questions, promoting a real sense of collaboration and engagement. In particular, they’ll be able to view products, discuss latest trends and innovations, and problem-solve with leading industry experts.

As a key supplier of Raja, Redhill is looking forward to displaying a selection of access, storage and handling equipment manufactured for the Raja catalogue, including sack trucks, platform trucks, steps and cabinets.

The day also includes a line-up of interactive workshops and seminars, giving everyone the opportunity to learn more about their specialist suppliers. If previous years’ events are anything to go by, conversation will be flowing and the mood will be incredibly positive.

In the evening, we all head for the Excellence Awards ceremony, which takes place after a 3-course dinner, and is designed to celebrate the hard work of everyone in the room. We’re hopeful of another potential win!

So, on behalf of everyone at Redhill, we’d like to say a heartfelt thank you to Raja for resuming the event and working so hard to organise such an important day for all concerned. We very much look forward to attending and enjoying yet another fun-filled supplier day and awards ceremony.