Alt - Redhill donates food hampers to local foodbank

Redhill donates food hampers to local foodbank

This year, in recognition of the difficult circumstances brought about by coronavirus and that fact that so many people are struggling, Redhill has made the decision not to send out Christmas cards, but rather use those funds to donate food hampers to a local foodbank.

As a result, Managing Director Andy Colley along with family and the Redhill team, spent last Friday evening packing and wrapping hampers, all funded by Redhill. Andy Colley commented: “As this year has been so difficult for so many people, we decided, in lieu of sending out cards, we would donate food hampers to our local community.”

The hampers have been sent to the Redditch Foodbank, part of a nationwide network of foodbanks supported by The Trussell Trust, which works to combat poverty and hunger across the UK.

Redditch Foodbank provides three days’ nutritionally balanced emergency food and support to local people in crisis who have been referred to them. According to figures from February 2020, 22% of the UK population live below the poverty line, including 8 million working-age adults, 4 million children and 2 million pensioners. These figures were published before the impact of coronavirus was assessed, with its resulting lockdown, furloughing and redundancies, and may well have risen since then.

If you would like to become involved with Redditch Foodbank, either by donating money or food, volunteering or partnering your business with the foodbank, and helping to make a real difference in the local community, please get in touch. For further details, please click here to visit the Redditch Foodbank website.