St George’s Day has always been a celebration of all things English. It’s a story of valour and courage, bravery in adversity and facing up to the enemy and, in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak, one to which we can now all relate.
Set to reopen our factory on Monday, we believe the story of George and the dragon is an apt metaphor for the resilience and fortitude of the NHS and English manufacturing, highlighting our tenacity, resilience and ability to get the job done no matter how tough the times.
Naturally, we’ll be following strict Government guidelines when reopening our factory on Monday. 50% of our workforce will return, allowing us to maintain appropriate social distancing, and all returning staff will be issued with the necessary PPE.
With NHS orders for essential equipment building up, our increased capacity means we can step up production to meet demand for such items as oxygen cylinder trolleys and also address some of the backlog of orders that has built up since the lockdown.
So, with St George’s Day highlighting the ‘can do’ approach of the English workforce and our determination to carry on, we’d like to say a heartfelt thank you to all concerned for their commitment, dedication and work ethic during this time of national crisis. Working together, we can win the battle.