Alt - New 2022 Work Gear Catalogue is ready to go!

New 2022 Work Gear Catalogue is ready to go!

We’ve been working hard to provide an exceptional new Work Gear catalogue for 2022, packed full of new and updated products, latest information and new prices, and are delighted to announce it is at the printers preparing for despatch.

As usual, the Work Gear catalogue features the latest and extensive range of access, handling and storage equipment from our cherry picked suppliers. Each product is displayed with full technical details and presented in a clear, easily accessible format, with easy ordering and purchasing –  it’s designed to fully support your customers’ buying experience.

Work Gear platform is a unique marketing platform, offered exclusively by Redhill, which provides distributors with a fully maintained, secure e-commerce website, backed by the Work Gear hard copy catalogue. Available separately or as a package, both website and hard copy catalogue can be personalised with distributors’ own logo and identity.

The new 2022 Work Gear catalogue, with a front cover and back cover personalised with your own details, provides a highly effective marketing tool, designed to promote your business and increase your market visibility.

In addition, the new catalogue is also available in a digital version, with a digitised page-turner for ease of use. This can also be personalised with your logo and company details.

For further details or to order your new 2022 Work Gear catalogue, please contact us on 01527 529 002 or email