Alt - Introducing our ‘Timeline Wall’

Introducing our ‘Timeline Wall’

You don’t get a second chance to make a good first impression!

With that adage in mind, we aimed to create a warm, welcoming and informational entrance/meeting area at Redhill. The wall was designed to give visitors not only a good feel about our company but would also arm them with key facts and information – making a real impression right from the very first visit!

The result is our ‘Timeline Wall’, giving a history of Redhill’s progression as a business, from our early beginnings in 1977, when we manufactured lawnmower handles, through to our current status as one of the UK’s leading manufacturers of top quality access, handling and storage equipment.

Holding pride of place in our entrance area, the ‘Timeline Wall’ highlights key dates and events throughout our history, cataloguing our rise from a simple 1,800 sq. ft. factory unit to extensive 64,000 sq. ft. factory premises, equipped with automated equipment, robotics, intelligent systems and warehousing.

It provides a fascinating glimpse of how Redhill has evolved over the years, showing how we have expanded and invested: the product ranges we have developed, the introduction of technology, the changes in leadership and our global success.

Interestingly, we first specialised in the manufacture of Mobile Steps in 1983, never dreaming how demand for this particular product would grow beyond all expectations, leading to us becoming the first – and for a long time, the only – manufacturer of BSI Kitemarked Mobile Safety Steps.

Not only is the ‘Timeline Wall’ itself something of which we can be proud, giving a unique and striking look to our entrance area, but it’s also a snapshot of everything we have achieved since our inception.

We see it as a living testament to our hard work, enthusiasm and commitment to investing in the business, and we hope our visitors find it interesting and informative.

One thing of which you can be sure, the story is still unfolding, there’s plenty of room for more key events, so as they say – watch this space!