Alt - Introducing our new Production Manager, Bill Cuthbertson

Introducing our new Production Manager, Bill Cuthbertson

Redhill would like to extend a warm welcome to its newest recruit, Bill Cuthbertson, who assumes the position of Production Manager. Here, we find out a little more about Bill, his background, his skills and what he brings to his new role.

With 30 years’ engineering experience and over 15 years in a managerial role, Bill is well qualified for the job. He was previously employed as Works Manager at J Banks in Wolverhampton, overseeing the production of window and door hardware, and prior to that as Works Manager at Muller Engineering for over 14 years.

Well at home on the production floor, Bill’s background in engineering and management gives him just the capability Redhill is looking for. He says his primary aim is to “improve productivity and get a better flow through the shopfloor.”

He intends to achieve this with the introduction of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and lean manufacturing practices, and explains what this means:

“An SOP is a set of written instructions that describes the step-by-step process that should be taken to perform a routine activity – making sure everyone works to the same set of rules to achieve uniformity of performance, greater efficiency and quality output.

“Lean manufacturing is a production method that aims to maximise productivity and minimise waste within a manufacturing environment. Its benefits include reducing lead times and operating costs, while improving product quality.”

Both are hugely important to the production process and essentially aim to improve quality and efficiency while keeping costs down, supporting Redhill’s commitment to its customer base.

Bill says he is delighted to take up the position, as he believes Redhill is an excellent company to work for, with clear goals for the future, and is already settling in and getting to know the team. He has a clear message for customers: “Redhill will be pushing hard to keep customers satisfied, reducing lead times, keeping costs competitive and delivering the highest standards of quality and performance.”

When not at work, Bill is into motorbikes and cars, and looks after himself with regular stints at the gym.

We look forward to working with Bill and improving our efficiency and productivity still further under his careful eye, moving our company forward and delivering an even greater level of service to our customers.